...shared in words and pictures.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

cloudy day on the couch

friday night happy hours don't always make for the most productive saturdays :). was it worth it? sure. the shipping channel was empty, tho. a dissappointment, since i really wanted some pics. the scale really does something for me. but i got a few and it, nor I, are going anywhere. so below are a few from the evening. i like the boots one :).

pink boots in BART

Happiest of Hours in SF

Port of Oakland

Cranes at attention......

Friday, April 29, 2005

Do you love where you live?

i've been in the bay area for 5 years now. every week i learn something new about it. heck, every day. oakland is home: the beautiful weather, the diversity, the realness you don't get in some places. so you will probably see and hear a lot about it on this blog, as my recent posts indicate. but i love to explore and learn about new places, too. so there will be a lot of that :).

i'm about to head over to SF on the ferry and meet my friend Debbi for happy hour. i'll bring my camera to try and capture the scale of the port of oakland as the ferry maneuvers the shipping channel. don't know if my wide-angle lens is wide enough. those big ships are so awe-inspiring.

another beautiful day here. and a friday to boot!!! YAY!!

Entering the Golden Gate

Opening day on SF Bay April 2005

moon out my window

a blog is born..........

ok, it will be a humble beginning :). i look forward to sharing a peek into my world. a world centered in oakland, CA, sending out expeditions to other parts of the world and capturing the experiences in words and pictures.