honk if you....
...oppose the war. honk if you.....want peace. well, if you live in oakland and spend any time near the lake, you will know that every sunday there is a small, dedicated cadre of folk that circle the lake with protest signs overhead urging one to honk if one opposes the war, or wants peace, or something of the sort that always make me honk when i cross their path.
there are maybe a dozen of them. by now they seem timeless but as the years pass and our country strays ever farther away from values that i understand, i always feel that i honk alone. but today i realized that i was driving past them, not standing with them, and that i could not hear the honks that lay in front or behind me.
today, after a day of avoiding the sunday talk shows that depress me and doing typical sunday things, i reclined on my couch to watch mindless tv. my new place is so peaceful, with it's lovely view and, unlike my last apartment, no major interstate out the window................
..........and then there came the honking. i was reclining, right? so i thought it was an impatient bumhole waiting for someone to cross lakeshore ave (or one of the many events that cause honking) so why should i bother looking? but here came more honks. different honk tones. more and more. what the hell was going on?
my bum is dragged off the couch......... and there they were! surrounded by glorious honking!! everyone, it seemed, honked! honestly, as i saw this ragtag band of brothers and sisters, the ones that before now made me wonder how they could go on week after week in the face of an increasingly incompetent US foreign policy, it all made sense. it made me tear up. one thought made it all make sense: i am not alone. nor are they.
now lets get off our bums off the couch, get our acts together and change this mess. VOTE!!!