I didn't post many thoughts on my trip to senegal, did i? i must admit it's a little overwhelming to try to capture a place in words. especially a place so very different, where one absorbs so many sounds, sights and smells that to decide what to write down becomes daunting. it increases one's respect for gifted travel writers!
then a little while ago i ran across a music video i had seen before i went to senegal. i watched it again and it amazed me how well it captured dakar, the capital city of senegal. it's amadou and miriam's "senegal fast food" with manu chao. watch the youtube post below and you'll get a really wonderful glimpse into things that define dakar - from the white goats kept at each house for good luck, the colorful fishing pirogues, the way the children dance, play marbles or foosball, the donkey carts and car rapides (blue and yellow buses), djembe drums, people on the roadside selling all manner merchandise, long queues at immigration offices, tea, dust, color and music, color and music, color and music.
it made me feel as if i were walking the streets of dakar again. what a great way to get a mini-vacation!