Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Sunday, July 24, 2005
The Difference Between You and Me
Do we notice the difference between our self and others more as we grow older? If so, is it because we come to know ourselves better or others less well? Maybe we are just less curious and through knowing less, find less common ground with others.
Recently, a family crisis arose. My 5 year old nephew and godson was diagnosed with leukemia. Our family’s physical and mental health has been largely unblemished so we are treading new ground. We will learn a lot about ourselves and each other over the next few years, but my observations today are much less deep. I am sure you will hear me speak of the life and death thoughts provoked by recent events, but not today. That is a subject better explored while not on an airplane.
I returned this week from
When I got off the plane in
The next and more complicated and interesting difference is that of religion. I am quite sure this facet was magnified because my sister and her family are facing a difficult road ahead and religion often plays a big role in these struggles, but it does go far beyond that. And let me qualify all this and say these are wonderful, supportive folks that I am glad my sister has in her life. The church and God is the commonality they found to comfort each other. There was scarcely a single conversation I heard among friends that didn’t mention drawing on the strength of The Lord. It’s not a language I speak and cannot imagine a single close friend of mine speaking. OK – not even close friends. I don’t know anyone who talks like that. How much is geography and how much is personal preference?
I know the 2 worlds exist to some degree in both places, but evangelicalism is as pervasive there as agnosticism is here and at critical moments in life, that really changes the game. Much has been said about self segregation and the demographic changes that geographic mobility has introduced. Is it possible that I have seen it increase in just 5 years? What will this country look like in 5, 10 or 20 years?
Monday, July 11, 2005
Sunday, July 10, 2005
in the sky.....
i volunteer at a school in east oakland, working with girls in 1st/2nd grade. they amaze, inspire and invigorate me. i jotted this down after a recent visit...............
after several exercises I sat with a particularly squirmy girl. She was one of 6 who were participating in a "special session" I sat in on my first day. Funny that altho they were there cuz they were acting up, they take special pride in having been the first to meet me :). but that is kids.
the exercise was to pick a theme (word for the day) and make a collage of cutout cartoon pics that relate to that theme. then they they were to write a short story about their collage (viola! A book!!)
she picked a garden theme and we talked about blue and green, sky and garden. When she had the garden assembled quite nicely I suggested she find something for the sky. I expected her to come back with a bird or something.
She came back with cutouts of shirts with different letters on them (the pickings were slim at that point :). She said sometimes clouds make shapes in the sky. I asked if she liked to find pictures in the sky and she said she liked to lie in the grass and find all sorts of things in the clouds.
I enjoyed imagining her doing that. To imagine her in such a state of repose was different. i hope one day she looks there and see's her dreams. finds a path.